The download above may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. For that reason, we have also included the contents of the report on this webpage.
The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017 introduced a statutory requirement to produce information outlining details of any gender pay differences that exist within an organisation. As from April 2018 public, private and voluntary sector organisations with 250 or more employees were required to report on their gender pay gaps using six different measures. This is the fifth report and is based upon a snapshot date of 31st March 2021. We are required to publish data on the Government Equalities Office website and on the Trust website by 30th March 2022 and annually going forward.
The gender pay gap differs from equal pay in the following way. Equal pay deals with the pay differences between men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs or work of equal value. It is unlawful to pay people unequally because they are a man or a woman. The gender pay gap shows the differences in the average pay between men and women.
The following report includes the statutory requirements of the gender pay gap reporting legislation along with further context to demonstrate our commitment to equality. The Trust is committed to understanding any differences identified in the gender pay report and will undertake further analysis to gain a better understanding as to the reason for the differences and to take action where appropriate.
The gender profile of the Trust is 79% female and 21% male.

79% women

21% men
The gender profile split in the Trust has increased from 78% female and 22% male during the last 12 months. There has been a 2% increase in favour of females since we started to report in March 2017. The gender split at that time was 77% female and 23% male.
Mean and Median Gender Pay Gap
The mean gender pay gap and median gender pay gap for all employees is as follows:
Mean Gender Pay Gap

10.66% less than males – equating to £1.93 per hour less
Median Gender Pay Gap

7.27% less than males – equating to £1.11 per hour less
The mean gender pay gap linked to the amount a female is paid per hour has decreased by 12.33% in the last 12 months. The mean gender pay gap has reduced from 12.16% to 10.66%. The median pay gap linked to the amount a female is paid per hour has decreased by 18.40% on the previously reported position. The median gender pay gap has reduced from 8.91% to 7.27%.
The table below highlights the mean and median gender pay gap reported figures between March 2017 and March 2021. It’s positive to note the gender pay gap difference has decreased year on year since 2018. The mean gender pay gap has decreased by 34.6% since March 2018. The median pay gap has decreased by 29.0%.
Year | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
Mean gender pay gap | 14.9% | 16.3% | 14.65% | 12.16% | 10.66% |
Median gender pay gap | 9.34% | 10.24% | 10.14% | 8.91% | 7.27% |
The Trust operates a number of salary sacrifice schemes which affords staff the opportunity to purchase vouchers towards childcare costs, purchase a cycle, electrical goods or a lease car. The table below highlights the number of staff by gender contributing to the schemes. As you would expect, in line with the gender split within the organisation, the majority of staff opting to participate in one or more salary sacrifice schemes are female. The costs associated with salary sacrifice schemes are deducted prior to calculating gross pay. This will have an impact on the gross pay calculations undertaken to determine the mean and median gender pay gap and will be one of a number of contributory factors which may be causing the differences being reported.
There has been an increase of 35.4% in the number of staff contributing to the lease car salary sacrifice scheme compared to March 2020. Based on the average monthly sacrifice of £233 this will reduce the gross pay of a female member of staff by approximately £2,796 per annum. It is also worth noting a proportion of staff contribute to more than one salary sacrifice scheme.
March 2021
Salary Sacrifice Schemes | Child Care Vouchers | Lease Car Scheme | Cycle to Work Scheme | Electronics |
Female | 150 (81.5%) average sacrifice per month £89 | 369 (72.5%) average sacrifice per month £233 | 119(76.6%) average sacrifice per month £30 | 210 (76.9%) average sacrifice per month £43 |
Male | 34 (18.5%) average sacrifice per month £77 | 140 (27.5%) average sacrifice per month £263 | 49 (23.4%) average sacrifice per month £45 | 63 (23.1%) average sacrifice per month £35 |
The mean gender pay gap and median gender pay for those staff employed on Agenda for Change terms and conditions and Executive Pay shows the difference in rate to be lower.
Mean Gender Pay Gap (AfC & Executive Pay)

2.97% less than males – equating to £0.48 per hour less
Median Gender Pay Gap (AfC & Executive Pay)

0.85% less than males – equating to 0.12p per hour less.
The mean gender pay gap has decreased by 42.21% and the median gender pay gap has decreased by 86.33% compared to the previous year.
The information below highlights the mean gender pay gap and median gender pay gap for those staff employed on Medical and Dental terms and conditions. The figures include the Clinical Excellence Awards payments that are paid to eligible medical staff, which is a section of the workforce with a higher proportion of males.
Mean Gender Pay Gap (M&D)

9.05% less than males – equating to £3.94 per hour less
Median Gender Pay Gap (M&D)

3.17% less than males – equating to £1.45 per hour less
The mean gender pay gap has decreased by 36.26% which has resulted in a smaller difference in hourly pay for females based on the previous report. The median gender pay gap has increased by 8.51%.
Gender Pay Quartile Profile
Download the report for a graph showing the proportion of males and females in each pay quartile. The lower quartile represents the lowest salaries in the Trust and the upper quartile represents the highest salaries. The Trust employs more women than men in every quartile. 82% of employees in the lower quartile are female, compared with 75% in the upper quartile. The gender pay upper quartile has seen the proportion of females increase from 71% to 75% in the last 12 months. The remaining quartiles have remained broadly the same.
Bonus Payments
Under the national Medical & Dental terms and conditions Consultants are eligible to apply for Clinical Excellence Awards (CEA). These awards recognise individuals who demonstrate achievements in developing and delivering high quality patient care over and above the standard expected of their role and are part of a commitment to the continuous improvement of the NHS. The table below highlights the mean and median bonus pay linked to clinical excellence awards.
Gender | Mean Bonus Pay | Median Bonus Pay |
Male | £9,557 | £7,343 |
Female | £5,264 | £1,311 |
Difference | £4,293 | £6,032 |
Pay Gap % | 44.9% | 82.1% |
At the time of reporting the Trust was operating a local clinical excellence award scheme based on the national terms and conditions. Due to COVID-19, guidance was issued to say that the Trust could stand down the usual formal process of application and review for CEA’s in 2020, instead the money could be divided equally between all eligible individuals and they received a non-consolidated and non-pensionable payment for the year. Therefore everyone received the same amount of award for 2020.
There are also however a number of individuals receiving historic awards from 2017 which are recurrently paid each year. Once an award had been made the Consultant continues to receive that level of award going forward. A further submission may be made the following year and as a consequence progression through the varying payment levels occurred. This may account for one of the reasons for the significant difference being reported.
Proportion of eligible Consultants receiving a CEA


All eligible Consultants received a Clinical Excellence Award in the reporting year.
Long Service Awards
The Trust operates a locally agreed long service award scheme to recognise the service of staff who have 25 years NHS service. The award is a £100 gift voucher. In the reporting period a total of 172 staff received an award. 133 females and 39 males received an award, equating to 77% of females which is lower than the Trust gender breakdown.
Under the Regulation we are required to include payments which relate to profit sharing, productivity, performance, incentive or commission should be included in the bonus calculations. It could be argued long service awards do not provide the incentive usually associated with the criteria outlined above. Guidance from ACAS states that such payments with a monetary value should be included. The table below provides combined details of the clinical excellence awards and long service awards.
Gender | Mean Bonus Pay | Median Bonus Pay |
Male | £6,142 | £1,311 |
Female | £1,830 | £100 |
Difference | £4,312 | £1,211 |
Pay Gap % | 70.2% | 92.3% |
It is important to recognise when combining the bonus awards in this way the data is skewed as long service awards are predominantly paid to women with a higher proportion of males receiving clinical excellence award payments.
Gender Breakdown by Pay Band
Download the report for two graphs showing a gender profile breakdown by pay band as at March 2021 and March 2017. The graphs highlight there have been changes in the profile in a number of bands, most notably in band 9 and Executive pay and Medical Consultants.
Gender Pay Gap by Banding
In addition to statutory requirements, we have also analysed our gender pay gap by banding. The shaded boxes below highlight the pay bands where females are paid more than males. The tables relates to those staff employed on Agenda for Change conditions and locally agreed Executive Pay.
Band | Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band 4 | Band 5 | Band 6 |
Mean pay difference | 0.17p per hour 1.78% less | 0.09p per hour 0.9% less | 0.34p per hour 2.9% less | 0.25p per hour 2.1% less | 0.44p per hour 2.88% less | 0.42p per hour 2.26% less |
Median pay difference | No difference reported | No difference reported | 0.59p per hour 5.17% less | No difference reported | 1.17p per hour 7.47% less | £1.48 per hour 7.63% less |
Band | Band 7 | Band 8a | Band 8b | Band 8c | Band 8d | Band 9 and Executive Pay |
Mean pay difference | No difference reported | 0.56p per hour 2.22% less | 0.27p per hour 0.91% less | 0.65p per hour 1.85% less | 0.42p per hour 1.00% less | £6.47 per hour 10.07% less |
Median pay difference | 0.10p per hour 0.47% less | £2.07 per hour 8.12% less | £3.30 per hour 10.40% less | £3.26 per hour 9.09% less | £5.34 per hour 11.89% less | £1.54 per hour 2.66% more |
The table below highlights the gender pay differences for female Medical Staff.
Medical staff | Consultants | All other Doctors |
Mean pay difference | £2.22 per hour 4.37% less | No difference reported. |
Median pay difference | £1.28 per hour 2.56% less | £3.26 per hour 12.07% less |
Update on Progress from Gender Pay Report 2020
In previous years following the publication of the Gender Pay Report further work has been undertaken to better understand the reasons for differences in gender pay. Due to the impact of the Covid pandemic following the publication of the report in March 202 further work was not identified to be undertaken.
Clinical Excellence Awards
Local Clinical Excellence Awards (LCEA) were halted this year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the award money that was due distributed equally among eligible consultants. This meant there was no formal process of application and review and instead all eligible individuals received a non-consolidated and non-pensionable payment for the 2021 year.