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Showing 45 Publications filtered by Human Resources
Gender pay gap report 2023
Here's our gender pay gap report from 2023 (published in March 2024).
Category: Legal requirements
Topic: Corporate, Equality and diversity, Governance and legal, Human Resources
Gender pay gap report 2022
Here's our gender pay gap report from 2022 (published in March 2023).
Category: Legal requirements
Topic: Corporate, Equality and diversity, Governance and legal, Human Resources
Guidance on Managing Concerns of Potential Conduct Procedure
Guidance on Managing Concerns of Potential Conduct supports staff with the process around Managing Concerns of Potential Conduct procedure.
Category: Guidance
Topic: Human Resources
Gender pay gap report 2021
This report includes the statutory requirements and further context to demonstrate our commitment to equality. We are committed to understanding any differences identified and to take action where appropriate.
Category: External report, Legal requirements
Topic: Corporate, Equality and diversity, Governance and legal, Human Resources
Workplace Adjustments Procedure
During their employment with the Trust, staff may need workplace adjustments and support to maximise their full potential and keep them at work. The Trust is committed to being a great place to work for all employees: an inclusive, equal opportunities employer in which diversity is welcomed, valued and viewed by all as positive. This procedure details the Trust's position.
Category: Procedures
Topic: Human Resources
Temporary Agency and Self-Employed Workers Procedure
Temporary Agency and Self-Employed Workers Procedure
Category: Procedures
Topic: Human Resources
Staff Rostering Procedure
This procedure describes what you need to do to implement staff rostering
Category: Procedures
Topic: Human Resources
Staff Relatives and Close Family Friends Procedure
This procedure ensures that all staff are treat in a fair and equitable way in accordance with employment legislation and that all staff treat each other in accordance with the Trust’s Values
Category: Procedures
Topic: Human Resources