Teesside perinatal community mental health team
Lancaster House
Preston Farm Industrial Estate
Westland Way
TS18 3TS
Telephone: 01642 368303
Email: [email protected]
Service opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
What is the perinatal mental health team?
The Teesside perinatal community mental health team provides a community service to support people who are experiencing mental health difficulties during pregnancy or in the first year after they have had their baby.
If we decide that the perinatal service is the best service to support your partner or family member, they will be allocated to one of the clinicians within the team.
How can the team help me?
We understand that it can be very challenging if a loved one experiences mental health difficulties, particularly during pregnancy and after having a new baby, and this can be difficult for partners and families to deal with.
This is where our service can help.
The team will then work with your partner or family member to agree a care plan to help meet their individual needs and find solutions to support them on their road to recovery. This can include:
- individual work
- group work
- talking therapies
- parent/child interactions.
We are happy for you to be involved in all of this, with your partner’s or family member’s permission.
As well as us providing support to your partner or family member, we can also support you and refer you for a carers assessment.
A carers assessment explores your individual needs and supports you to get the help that you need.
Who works in the team?
We are a team of professionals who will work together to provide the best possible care for you and your family.
The team is made up of:
- specialist community psychiatric nurses
- consultant psychiatrists
- psychologists
- occupational therapists
- specialist community nursery nurses
- support workers
- administrative staff.
Contact us
You can contact us at any time if you are concerned about your partner or family member and baby. Telephone 01642 368303 between 9am and 5pm.
Out of hours support
If you or your partner, need help outside of the perinatal team’s normal working hours, you can go direct to the crisis assessment suite at Roseberry Park, Middlesbrough.
You can also call NHS 111 and select the mental health option.
More information
The websites listed below offer more information to carers on many areas including:
- general information and advice
- help with accessing and completing benefit and grant forms
- carer breaks
- carer support groups
- counselling
- training
- types of mental health problems
- drugs and treatments.
If at any point you wish to have a second opinion by another doctor, please discuss this with your care coordinator or lead professional.
Local information
National information
- Carers UK
- Carers Trust
- Association for Postnatal Illness
- Action on Postpartum Psychosis
- Pandas Foundation
- The Royal College of Psychiatrists
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