We currently have 274 volunteers who generously give their time, energy and passion to support our services and teams. They help to make a positive difference to patient experience and staff wellbeing.
The volunteers carry out a wide range of roles including NHS check and chat, therapy dogs, magicians, football support, befriending and support volunteers, transporting patients, supporting and facilitating activities, administration and IT support, collecting patient feedback, transporting equipment to sites across the Trust, meet and greet, gardeners, and chaplaincy.

The volunteers include Sophie Pickering, and her dog Daisy, who visit the wards at Roseberry Park Hospital in Middlesbrough. They’ve been volunteering with us for over 2 years. Sophie explains:
“I volunteer with Daisy, my 3-year-old Jackie-Bichon, and we love it! Daisy was a lock down puppy, and I wanted to train her as a hearing dog. This meant that Daisy would need to be taken away for a year of training. Covid got in the way, and in that time Daisy and I had bonded, so I trained her as an assistance dog instead.
“Daisy can now go shopping with me which helps with my anxieties. I also wanted to share Daisy with others, so I registered her as a therapy dog with Therapy Dogs Nationwide (TDN).
“We love to volunteer as it has helped with my own mental health. We both get a lot out of it. It’s amazing to see how Daisy gives her love to everyone. She helps them settle in, and feeling calm if they need bloods or minor wounds attending to. Daisy makes everyone feel comfortable.
“She just loves people and in fact she knows our weekly routine that much that she has little tantrums as she doesn’t want to go home afterwards.
“She’s a special little dog, my best friend and more. She’s also well known for her little hair bows!”

Lisa Cole, inclusive community engagement lead, said: “Our wonderful volunteers make a huge difference to the Trust and to our patients lives. We really couldn’t achieve what we do without them.”
National Volunteers’ Week is an annual celebration that starts on the first Monday in June. It’s an opportunity to recognise, celebrate and thank the UK’s amazing volunteers for all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector, and society as a whole. This year celebrates 40 years of Volunteers’ Week.
Find out more about volunteering with us