Foss Park
Haxby Road
North Yorkshire
YO31 8TA
Telephone: 01904 461130
Reception open: 8am to 8pm

About the ward
Wold View is an 18 bed ward for older adults who need assessment and treatment for dementia. The ward is purpose built with appropriate activity and therapeutic space to support your assessment and enable you to be discharged back into the community.
Meal times
Breakfast: 8.30am to 9am
Lunch: 12.30pm to 1pm
Evening meal: 4.30pm to 5pm
Visiting times
Usual visiting times will be between 10am and 10pm. Arrangements for visits outside of these times can be made with agreement of ward staff.
Staying in hospital
More information about staying in hospital is available in our welcome pack. If you have not received a copy of this, please ask a member of ward staff who will be able to provide you with this.
Information for loved-ones, families and carers
Who are we?

Wold View is an 18-bed, mixed gender ward.
Our friendly team offers your loved-one acute assessment and treatment.
We care for people who have dementia, or may have cognitive impairment, and who require a period of specialist mental health inpatient care.
Our aim
We aim to assess and treat your loved-one using intensive therapeutic interventions. These will be developed together with the loved-one, family, and the multi-disciplinary team.
We are here to look after the care needs of loved-ones presenting with complex behaviours and to promote their wellbeing.
Our team
The multidisciplinary team (MDT) consists of consultant psychiatrists, psychiatrist, doctors, physician associates, a ward manager, a modern matron, an advanced nurse practitioner, nurses, healthcare assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants, speech and language therapist, dietician, clinical psychologists and assistant psychologists, as well as support from administrators and housekeeping staff.
Our process

We aim to have an admission meeting within 72 hours of a working week after your loved-one’s admission to Wold View. The meeting will involve family members, the loved-one (where appropriate) and other professionals or care providers known to them. We will discuss the reasons for your loved-one’s admission to hospital and establish the purpose and aims of the admission.
What is an assessment?
An assessment is not a test. It helps staff to find out about:
- Your loved-one as a person
- Their health and any problems
- How they are coping
The time it takes varies from person to person and can involve:
- Talking with your loved-one, alone or in small groups
- Talking with people who are close to your loved-one
- Observation over a period of time
- Some physical investigations (for example, blood tests, x-rays etc)
Throughout the assessment, staff will work with your loved-one to identify their needs. Together we will plan their care, this may include group work, therapies and medication.
Following a period of assessment, formulation and treatment, a meeting will be held with all those involved in your loved-one’s care, including family members, to begin discharge planning.
When discharge planning begins, there is often the involvement of other partnership providers, such as adult social services. These providers have their own assessments and processes that we work with to help make sure your loved-one is safe after they leave Wold View.
Normally you will be contacted by the professional responsible (care coordinator) for ongoing support or treatment 72 hours after discharge.
Your voice
We value family and carer input, and we want to work with you to create a truly person-centred experience.
We encourage you to join our carer’s support events, attend planning and formulation meetings, and give us feedback. You can provide feedback using an anonymous carers experience survey. Please ask staff for details.
Visiting the ward

We encourage you to call us in advance to make sure a visit can be facilitated.
Please be aware that the visit may take place in a visitors’ room, either on or off the ward, depending on individual circumstances. There is an onsite café you can take your loved-one to.
There are indoor and outdoor areas within the grounds which can be accessed. If clinically appropriate, your loved-one can have leave from hospital. Please speak to a member of staff to plan leave further.
The ward is not a suitable environment for young children. If you feel it is important for a young child to visit, please talk to a member of the team. We will advise you of the options according to Trust policy.
Personal possessions
Your loved-one may have personal items in their room e.g. TVs and radios, however, these will need to be PAT tested, which we can do. We encourage you to bring in items like photographs and pictures, although for safety reasons we ask these do not have glass components. We advise that any expensive or irreplaceable items be left at home or swapped for less valuable alternatives or copies.
If your loved-one does not have capacity to keep their personal possessions safe, you will be asked to complete a property disclaimer form.
Your loved-one must supply their own toiletries. We have a limited emergency stock on the ward.
We would encourage all laundry to be completed by the person’s family. Please discuss with the nurse in charge if you are unable to do this. We do ask that all clothing is clearly labelled and do not accept any responsibility for loss or damage that may occur.
On the ward we feel engagement in a meaningful activity is important to help give your loved-one purpose and occupation. We offer a varied number of activities, and these include:
- Therapy dog
- Chaplaincy
- Moving minds
- Arts and grafts
- Beauty and grooming
- Meal clubs
We also offer 1 to 1 engagements for those who benefit from this. This will often have a focus on their interests and hobbies.
Physical health
Please let us know of any upcoming appointments your loved-one may have. It would be helpful if you could bring in a copy of the appointment letter.
If your loved-one wears hearing aids, dentures, or glasses, please let us know as this can greatly affect their communication. Please label these if possible.
If there are any dietary requirements or allergies, please let us know.
Personal care
We do not have facilities for hair cutting or foot care on the unit. Where possible you, or staff, can escort your loved-one to use local services. If your loved-one is unable to leave the ward for foot care, we can place a referral with a podiatrist to visit the ward. Please feel free to bring in their usual personal care items (such as nail clipper etc).
Foss Park Hospital is part of a non-smoking trust. Smoking is prohibited on all trust premises. If your loved-one smokes, we do offer smoking cessation advice and can offer nicotine replacement therapies on the unit. Staff are not allowed to accompany your loved-one off the premises to smoke owing to trust policies around staff health and wellbeing.
Carers support
We offer up to four 1 to1 carers support check in calls for you whilst your loved-one is on the ward. This will be explained further at the admission meeting.

Support and advice
Dementia Forward, tel: 01904 692473
[email protected]
Alzheimer’s Society, tel: 0333 150 3456
MIND, tel: 01904 643364
[email protected]
York Carers Centre – 01904 715490
[email protected]
Age UK, tel: 0800 678 1602
Carers Resource (Harrogate), tel: 0808 501 5939
[email protected]
Please speak to Foss Park reception staff about parking.
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