Information for children and young people.
When you attend for your medication review you may be seen by either a non-medical prescriber or a doctor.
What is a non-medical prescriber?
A non-medical prescriber is a a nurse or a pharmacist, who is able to prescribe medication just like your doctor. They may be male or female.
What does it mean for me?
Non-medical prescribers can:
- give you a prescription for your medication
- give you information and advice about your medication
- offer you appointments when needed – these might include involving other people in your care.
Your medication can be changed if needed.
We may need to check your height, weight or blood pressure.
What happens now?
You don’t need to do anything.
Please ask a member of staff if you have any questions or are not sure about this.
We’d like to know what you think about the wording of this leaflet – is the information useful, is there anything missing that you wanted to know or anything you didn’t understand? Please let us know by emailing [email protected] or telephone 01325 552223. These contact details are for a corporate team with no access to patient records – please do not use these contact details to contact us about your care but instead use the contact details provided to you by your care team.
We’re updating our patient and carer information all the time and while we won’t always be able to make every change people suggest, all ideas will be considered.
Do you have concerns or complaints?
If you have concerns or complaints about a service, please tell a member of staff. You can also call our patient advice and liaison service (Complaints) on Freephone
0800 052 0219 or email [email protected].
Information in other languages and formats
We want to make sure you can read and understand the information we provide to you. If you would like this leaflet in another language, large print, audio or Braille, please ask a member of staff.
(L458a V4, 23/01/22 Archive date 22/01/22)