Thursday 11 November 2021
To mark Bobby’s 90th Birthday, Stefanie Hodgson, staff nurse and Kelly Chambers, health care assistant were invited by family to surprise him on his special day.

Bobby built up a fantastic relationship with Stef, who he nicknamed Pinky due to the colour of her uniform. He often smiles when he talks about his time spent on the ward and the activities that took place. Bobby served in the Korean war with this twin brother and last year the ward arranged a socially distanced Remembrance Sunday ceremony so family could see them lay wreaths together. It was a really special day for everyone.
Kelly said: “It was an honour to be invited to such an event and knowing we’ve made such a difference to Bobby and his family. It’s amazing to see such a positive outcome and to have been a part of that. His family has kept in contact since Bobby was discharged nearly a year ago and it’s lovely to hear updates about how he’s doing.”
The family said: “We want to express our thanks and gratitude to the wonderful staff who nursed Dad back to full health. Stef always seemed to go that extra step. There are times in life when certain people leave a lasting impression on you and Stef is certainly one of those.”

Stef added: “Bobby’s journey made our job worthwhile and is the reason I love being a nurse on Ceddesfeld ward, it was such a positive reward for all of the staff to nurse Bobby back to health.
It was also a credit to be remembered by the family as “angels” for the care that Bobby received during his stay. Being invited to his surprise party was a night I will treasure for life.”