Monday 17 January 2022
Dr Ahmad Khouja is spearheading a new campaign to co-create our clinical journey for the next few years. The first step is a consultation exercise aimed at gathering the opinions and ideas of everyone involved with TEWV’s clinical services whether they are users, carers or clinicians. The campaign is called ‘Let’s talk about improving’.

“To make the right improvements and bring most benefit to our patients and carers, our journey needs to focus on the views and experiences of the people who know our services best – patients and carers as well as clinicians,” explains Ahmad. “The name and the approach we’ve taken to gathering feedback are designed to be accessible to all but I’m particularly keen to hear from those who can offer positive suggestions based on their own experience.”
That said, all staff, service users, carers and members of our communities might have relevant thoughts and ideas so everybody is welcome to contribute. “I know how crucial our clinical journey is, but I also know that I don’t have all the answers, that’s why open discussions about the best approaches to learning disabilities, autism and mental health are central,” says Ahmad. “However, I’m most excited about what comes next when we turn all those ideas, opinions and radical thinking into concrete actions that further improve our clinical practice as we move into the future.”
Join ‘Let’s talk about improving’ now by following this link.