28 November 2023
“No, no, no, I’m not holding a rat. Awwwww, he’s so cute, can I hold him?”

Look who came to visit our patients on Willow ward at West Park Hospital in Darlington!
A giant African millipede, a corn snake, a rat and a leopard gecko were just some of the fascinating creatures that ZooLab brought along to interact with our patients and staff.

Rob the animal handler, told us lots of interesting facts about them that kept everyone engaged and proved to not only be a learning experience but a very unusual way of using pets as therapy.
Some brave patients came out of their comfort zones to hold and feel the different types of animals. The visit was enjoyed by everyone, even those that preferred to watch from a distance. A patient said: “I didn’t expect the snake to feel so nice, I can’t believe I’m holding a snake.”
“Hands on animal activities is a great way to peak patient’s interests,” said Emma Blewitt.
“Patients find them to be non-judgemental interactions and because they have to be really careful handling the smaller animals, they find it very therapeutic and calming.”
Who knew rats could be so cute and cuddly! We’re looking forward to the next visit.