Join us on Tuesday 24 May 2022 on MS Teams at 1pm for a webinar to begin conversations about improving the lives of people who’s needs may fall under the much-debated label of complex emotional needs. The event is part of the North Yorkshire and York Community Mental Health Transformation programme, which aims to improve the lives of people who are experiencing distress and the ways they’re supported in their local community.
The webinar is open to everyone, from people with lived experience, to representatives from local organisations and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. It will look at the current support for people with complex emotional needs and what changes are needed to make a meaningful difference to support people to live well in their local communities. There’ll be the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas and to ask any questions you might have. It’s also hoped that the event will contribute to developing co-production working groups to develop needs led support for people experiencing distress to improve health outcomes, people’s quality of life and feel supported within their communities.
To register your interest and sign up for the event please visit