A report called Assurance Review of Practice and Governance has been published on NHS England’s website.
Alongside the report, a shorter summary document called Lessons Learned Bulletin has also been published.
This was a rigorous and independent review carried out by Niche Health and Social Care Consulting. It took place in 2024.
The review was commissioned by NHS England to assess whether, and to what extent, the care we provide is compliant with current standards and expectations. It is the final report following the publication in 2023 of a system-wide independent investigation into our CAMHS inpatient provision, and in 2022 reports that reviewed the care of three young women who sadly died in our care.
The Assurance Review of Practice and Governance findings show that we have made great improvements across our Trust and provides NHS England with good assurance that we are delivering safe and kind care every day to patients. There will be no further independent reviews in relation to the recommendations included in the earlier reports.
In particular the findings show:
- A good level of assurance that clinical practice within CAMHS offered to patients who present with complex cases is now compliant with expected standards.
- A good level of assurance that the governance of quality concerns within these services is now compliant with expected standards.
- A good level of assurance that the overall governance of quality within these services is now compliant with expected standards.