We know that some of our PDF documents may not be accessible to everyone but we’re working on it. As documents come up for renewal we aim to make them more accessible. In the meantime, if you need any of our policies in a different format please email [email protected]
Showing 16 Publications filtered by Legal requirements
Gender pay gap report 2023
Here's our gender pay gap report from 2023 (published in March 2024).
Category: Legal requirements
Topic: Corporate, Equality and diversity, Governance and legal, Human Resources
Disproportionate burden assessment
We always aim to make content on this website accessible. However, we have assessed that ensuring every document published on our website meets the accessibility legislation would be a disproportionate burden.
Category: Legal requirements
Topic: Communications, Corporate
Register of Gifts and Hospitality
We publish details of any gifts and hospitality received.
Category: Legal requirements
Gender pay gap report 2022
Here's our gender pay gap report from 2022 (published in March 2023).
Category: Legal requirements
Topic: Corporate, Equality and diversity, Governance and legal, Human Resources
Privacy notices
This page contains a short version of our privacy notice. It also has links to all of our privacy notices and information about how we will use your personal information.
Category: Legal requirements
Full privacy notice
How we use your personal information
Category: Legal requirements
Topic: Corporate, Governance and legal, Records management and standards
Quality account
All health service providers have to submit a report about the quality of their services.
Category: External report, Legal requirements
Gender pay gap report 2021
This report includes the statutory requirements and further context to demonstrate our commitment to equality. We are committed to understanding any differences identified and to take action where appropriate.
Category: External report, Legal requirements
Topic: Corporate, Equality and diversity, Governance and legal, Human Resources
Register of interests for our board of directors
A register of all interests declared by our board of directors is available as a public document.
Category: Legal requirements