Spurred on by the success of Safeguarding Week 2022 the safeguarding partners, which includes Safeguarding Adults Boards, Children’s Safeguarding Partnerships, Community Safety Partnerships across North Yorkshire, the City of York and East Riding, have worked to extend the range of topics being covered during this years’ Safeguarding Week.
While a number of the sessions are open only to professionals working in the safeguarding sector, the majority of the sessions are also open to the public. The week-long programme of over 50 sessions caters for members of the public who want to learn more about safeguarding.
Covering topics such as support for children and young people impacted by Domestic Abuse, signs of radicalisation, keeping children safe on-line, fraud awareness and protection, the power of the bystander amongst many other safeguarding areas. The sessions have been designed to stimulate discussion, spark innovation and share best practice. Each session will be delivered by inspirational and motivational speakers, all of whom are experts in their field.
The full programme of events is open for viewing and booking via EventBrite and early registration is recommended to avoid disappointment.
Look out for information on social media by using the hashtag #safeguardingweek2022
Dr Sue Proctor, Independent Chair of North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board said: “Across this county, every one of us should be able to feel safe in our homes, schools, places of work and in our communities. We should be able to fulfil our potential, feel confident and thrive. There are many professionals, who work across different agencies whose job it is to keep us safe. We are enormously grateful to them all, especially in these difficult times. However, each of us as citizens also have a responsibility to look out for our families, friends, neighbours, and those we don’t know in our communities; to report any concerns about abuse to the agencies and to work together to keep us all safe from harm or the risk of harm because safeguarding is everybody’s business.
“Throughout Safeguarding Week we are delighted to welcome speakers and presenters who will highlight key areas of abuse or risk and some of the terrific work that is going on to address and support those who need it most.
“This Week affords us the opportunity to raise awareness, signpost people to the resources they need and highlight the action people who live, work and volunteer across North Yorkshire can take to keep adults at risk, children and young people safe”
Prof Maggie Atkinson, Independent Scrutineer and Executive Chair for the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership said: “Ensuring the wellbeing of all children and young people, working swiftly to solve problems and address difficulties at their first sign, are at the heart of all the work adults in any organisation do for our youngest citizens. The work done to support equally successful and safe adult lives is also vital.
“Throughout almost two and a half years of disruption and difficulty caused by Covid 19, services across North Yorkshire and its neighbours in the region have gone more than the extra mile to ensure safeguarding, for children and adults, in communities and services, is central to how they plan and deliver their work.
“Safeguarding Week provides vital opportunities to continue to grow and develop, deepening knowledge and supporting commitment to both children’s and adults’ life chances. From before birth, through the earliest years, into and beyond school age and in into their adult lives, those who contribute to and learn in Safeguarding Week will benefit – which means so will the people they work with and support.
“This is a rich and varied programme and there is ample learning offered to all. I know we will end the week still wiser and more committed and focused than when it began. Enjoy the week and learning with and from each other. “
Kay Durrant, Chair of East Riding Safeguarding Adults Board and Scrutineer of East Riding Safeguarding Children’s Partnership, said: “We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to come together with our safeguarding partners across the City of York and North Yorkshire to share best practice and learn from each other. Across our areas we have a plethora of safeguarding skills and knowledge, so it’s great to be able to work collaboratively to spread that vital information further, helping to keep the public of the East Riding, the City of York and North Yorkshire safe and cared for.”
T/Assistant Chief Constable Lindsey Butterfield, Chair of the North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership said: “It is a real privilege to represent the work of the North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership as we stride towards safeguarding week commencing on the 20th June through to the 24th. Our strength is in our values and objectives delivered collectively by our partnership, who have come together to deliver a real depth and spread of events that span Community Safety, Hate Crime, Prevent and Domestic Abuse. We have a number of sessions covering domestic abuse with our focus on the key themes to support professionals and public alike understand the journey the impact of domestic abuse on adult victims and survivors and their children and our approach to challenging and pursuing perpetrators of abuse. This is an incredible opportunity for all to gain knowledge, confidence and skills in managing this key area that affects so many within our community.”
Paul Shevlin, Chair of York and North Yorkshire Prevent Partnership Board and Chief Executive of Craven District Council said: “Being part of Safeguarding Week 2022 is a fantastic opportunity in helping to raise awareness of how those who are most vulnerable within our communities could be drawn into extremism. As part of this week’s schedule we are offering two Prevent Awareness sessions available for professionals and members of the public which will highlight the referral process and walk through real cases in North Yorkshire, showcasing their positive outcomes.”
Cllr Carol Runciman, Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care at City of York Council, said: “This week’s excellent programme of events allows us all to educate ourselves further on how we can help safeguard people from abuse. From it, we can learn more about what safeguarding is, recognising the signs of abuse and what to do if we see it. Safeguarding adults and children from harm is everybody’s business.”
Cllr Ian Cuthbertson, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education at City of York Council, said: “If you feel something’s not right or if you see signs of physical, sexual, financial, emotional, neglectful, discriminatory or organisational abuse or self neglect, please report it so the experts can support and safely intervene. In York, report your concerns about adults by calling 01904 555111 or report it online at www.safeguardingadultsyork.org.uk. For concerns about children in York, please call 1904 551900 or report it online at https://www.saferchildrenyork.org.uk/ .” If someone is in immediate danger please always call 999.