We’re holding our Annual General and Members Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 23 November 2023 at Darlington Arena.
What to expect
We’ll be presenting the Trust’s Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023. It’s also an opportunity to hear about the trust’s performance, improvement plans, and ambitions for the future. As part of this we’ll update on the work that’s being done to improve patient safety, a key part of the Trust’s strategy, Our Journey to Change.
Trust chairman David Jennings will open the event, followed by the key speaker Danny Angus, Associate Director at Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust. Danny will be speaking about their HOPE(S) model, an ambitious human rights-based approach to working with individuals in segregation.
The HOPE(S) model
The HOPE(S) model reduces the use of long-term segregation sometimes experienced by autistic adults, adults with a learning disability and children and young people. Following its success, Mersey Care has been commissioned by NHS England to deliver a national programme to support the roll out of the approach across services in England.
Additional information
Dawn Jessop, TEWV’s Deputy Chief Nurse, will also be speaking about the Trust’s quality and safety journey. This will be followed by a presentation from Mark Allan, Peer Support Lead about peer support and patient safety. The event will also include updates from the Trust’s Chief Executive, Finance Director, Lead governor and the Trust’s auditors.
Visitors to the event, which is open to the public, can also talk with TEWV staff from a variety of Trust teams and services in our ‘marketplace’ where information about services and projects will be shared.
How to book and follow the day
Bookings are now being taken for the AGM. Anyone wishing to attend should email [email protected] by Tuesday 20 November to book a free place.
You can follow the TEWV AGM on twitter @TEWV / #TEWVAGM.
Annual General and Members Meeting (AGM) running order, Thursday 23 November 2023:
- 1pm – Annual General and Members Meeting opens to the public
- 1pm – 3pm – registration and the opportunity to talk to Trust staff representing more than 30 Trust services at the ‘marketplace’
- 3pm – Welcome from Trust Chairman
- Members’ Meeting – speakers’ presentations on the theme of Patient Safety including: Quality and Safety Journey; What feeling safe means to patients; The HOPE(S) model with guest speakers from Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Annual General Meeting – speakers’ presentations including: Review of the Year and Future Plans from chief executive Brent Kilmurray; Annual Accounts review fromdirector of finance, information and estates/facilities Liz Romaniak
- Open forum questions and closing remarks, Trust Chairman